Monitor Performance of All Your Ranked App Store Keywords

Florentin Zacharyby
Product Manager at AppTweak

6 min read

Are you tired of repeatedly building keyword lists as part of your App Store Optimization work? Worry not—AppTweak has you covered! Our “All Ranked Keywords Performance” analyzes our database of millions of keywords to display everything you need to monitor your app’s organic rankings and installs.

AppTweak generates a report for your app that covers all keywords on which your app ranked for at least one day in the last 13 months. This feature breaks away from the typical concept of keyword lists; as AppTweak automatically fetches and displays all your ranked keywords, you won’t need to manually “add” any keywords to this report and risk forgetting important search terms. The “All Ranked Keywords Performance” also includes all kinds of metrics that allow you to easily track your visibility on the App Store and Google Play—read this blog to learn more!

How the “All Ranked Keywords Performance” works

To build an app’s “All Ranked Keywords Performance,” we take a look at all the keywords that are followed (or that have been followed) on AppTweak by any user at some point in time. We then only select the keywords for which the specific app has ranked in the search results (top 500 for the App Store, top 250 for Google Play) at least once in the past 13 months.

As you can imagine, this represents a huge amount of data. That’s why we filter out any keyword that has never had a volume higher than 5 in the past year. This allows us to make sure we eliminate irrelevant keywords that have not been subject to any app seasonality effects.

Once we have gathered all of an app’s keywords and fetched all their metrics and key performance indicators, we’re then able to build the report. It consists of three main blocks: an Overview, the Keyword History graph, and the Keyword Impact table.

Let’s take the case of the Binance app, exploring its keyword performance using our report.

Get a snapshot of an app’s ranked keywords

In the first section of the report, the Overview provides a snapshot of the app’s keyword performance on the last date available. Here, you can quickly find a status update of your keyword visibility in terms of total installs and the total number of ranked keywords. You can switch from one metric to the other using the buttons above; the charts will then update accordingly.

Overview of all ranked keywords on a given day

If we consider this overview of Binance’s keywords on January 16, 2022, we see that the app received 5,470 organic installs and was ranking for 1,956 keywords. Comparing these numbers to December 16, 2021, we see that the app’s organic installs had decreased by 1,290, while its ranked keywords decreased by 12.

Read this quick refresher on how we compute our installs per keyword estimates

The first bar chart shows the number of installs by rank. Here, we can quickly understand that most of Binance’s installs come from keywords where the app ranks in the #1 position.

The second bar chart shows the number of installs by volume. From this chart, we’re able to understand that most of the app’s installs come from keywords with a volume between 61 and 80.

Finally, the pie chart shows the number of installs by “own brand,” “other brands,” and “generic” keywords. From the image above, we see that the majority of the app’s installs come from keywords including the term “Binance” (own brand keywords).

Having viewed your app’s performance on a given day, let’s now monitor its evolution over time.

Monitor app keyword history

The second block is the keyword history, which consists of a series of charts measuring the total number of installs or the total number of ranked keywords, following the same logic as in the overview: by rank, volume, and by brand/generic.

Evolution of installs by rank

If we take a look at Binance’s installs over the past year, we see huge variations due to the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. Keywords for which Binance ranks #1 mostly drove the app’s peak in installs between May and June 2021.

Installs per day - Breakdown by ranks

Evolution of total keywords by volume

Switching to total keywords with a breakdown by volume, we can see that Binance has gradually ranked for more and more keywords over the past year. Although some of these keywords have a volume of 5, they have been included in the report because their volume was greater than 5 for at least one day in the past 13 months.

Total keywords per day, breakdown by volume

Many other analytical combinations are possible. For example, you may want to have a look at the number of keywords for which you rank broken down by type, or analyze your app’s total installs broken down by volume. These charts will definitely help you understand your own performance by considering all the keywords tracked on AppTweak!

Evolution of overall visibility

You can also track the evolution of your app’s overall visibility in All Ranked Keywords! While you can already monitor your app’s visibility for a specific keyword list (Keyword Tab > Visibility History), you can take your analyses one step further by viewing the evolution of your app’s visibility for all the keywords it has ranked for over the past year.

Monitor overall app visibility with AppTweak's All Ranked Keywords

Deep dive into the Keyword Impact table

The last block of your app’s report is the Keyword Impact table. For those of you who are familiar with our Keyword Impact feature, you’ll see that this table is very similar. The main difference is that, in the “All Ranked Keywords Performance,” we compute uplift in terms of installs or rank for all the keywords for which we saw your app ranked in the past year.

This table allows you to zoom in on specific movements that you may have seen in our Keyword History graphs to better understand what happened between two dates.

Keyword Impact table - Volume, rank and installs per keyword

After investing some time into upgrading this table in January 2022, here are some of its key features:

  • View all keywords on which your app ranked for at least one day in the past year.
  • Easily select two dates for which you want to compare keyword performance.
  • 3 scorecards automatically adapt to your chosen filters to present an overview of important keyword metrics.
  • Improved filter bar: View 1, 2, 3, and 4+ keyword combinations, exact keyword matches, and discover a new way to specify volume and rank.
  • Volume, rank, and installs appear side by side by default. You can unselect one or two metrics with the “Display” button if you prefer to not see all three at the same time.
  • Automatically translate all keywords in the table to English for non-English speaking countries.
  • A CSV download option allows you to export all your keywords.

As you have seen, our “All Ranked Keywords Performance” goes way beyond your standard keyword list. It provides an easy method of monitoring your app’s ranked keywords and estimated installs from keywords.

The reports are generated once every 8 days for your app and your competitors’ apps. This unique feature is available for the App Store and Google Play Store for all countries; however, it’s only accessible for Power and Enterprise plans, so upgrade now to start boosting your keyword optimization strategy today!

Start a 7-day free trial

Florentin Zachary
by , Product Manager at AppTweak
Florentin is an ASO Expert at AppTweak. He’s passionate about how new technologies can improve our lives. He also likes cheese, philosophy and climbing!