ASO glossary

Ever wondered what KEI or keyword density refers to? Find out here!

A/B Testing
A/B testing is a process that allows you to test 2 versions of the same variable to see which one performs better. It’s very often used in marketing to test web pages, ad creatives, emails, newsletters and more.
Android is the mobile operating system developed by Google. It serves the same purpose as Apple's mobile operating system (iOS): allowing users to run all kind of applications on their mobile devices. Android and iOS are the most widely used, but other companies such as Blackberry, Windows and Amazon have also developed mobile operating systems.
An API (aka Application Programming Interface) uses a set of clearly defined methods of communication among various components to make it easier to develop a computer program by providing all the building blocks, which are then put together by the programmer. AppTweak provides an access to its own API to allow users to build and automate their data requests and generate data reports.
App category
The app category is the category in which an app is published in the app stores, that reflects an app's purpose. Those categories are fixed by the app stores publishers (like Google or Apple) and are meant to regroup similar types of apps to make it easier for users to navigate the app store.
App downloads/units
An app download or unit represents an occurrence when an app was downloaded on a user's phone. The total number of downloads represents the total number of times that an app was downloaded. Since an app can only be downloaded once per device, that number is not always equal to app installs, which represent the number of times an app was installed on a phone. An app can be un-installed and re-installed several times on the same device.
App engagement
App engagement is a measure of how actively users are opening and using an app while it’s on their phone.
App icon
The app icon is the symbol or logo that represents your app. The icon must be available in different sizes as it will be displayed several times once the app is installed on a user's phone. The icon for the metadata is the largest one, meant to be displayed on the app page of the app stores. Smaller icons are then used for the home screen and throughout the system.
App installs
An app install represents an occurrence when an app was installed on a user's phone. To be installed, the app had to be previously downloaded by a user. An app can be un-installed and re-installed several times by a user once it's been downloaded, which is why the number of downloads and installs can be different.
App keyword field (App Store)
The app keyword field is one of the fields of the app's metadata on iOS. It exists only on Apple (for iOS apps), and is one of the three indexed fields of the metadata. It is 100 characters long and is not displayed to users on the app preview page (its purpose is only to indicate to the algorithm which keywords you'd like your app to rank on).
App Store
The App Store is Apple's app marketplace, where owners of an Apple device can browse, buy and download apps. The equivalent on Android phones is the Google Play Store, owned and operated by Google on Android devices. Both stores have their own set of rules and guidelines for app publishers who want to make their apps available on those stores.
Apple Search Ads
The Apple Search Ads are Apple's system to sell ad space to companies who want to promote their apps. Through various parameters, it allows users to bid a certain amount of money to make their ad appear as the first result when a user looks for a keyword on the apple app store.
Apple Search Popularity
The Apple Search Popularity is Apple's indication of how popular a keyword is, meaning how many users use that keyword to search for an app on the apple app store. It is an exponential indicator between 5 and 100, that is only available for the countries where Apple has released its Search Ads platform.
App long description (Google Play Store)
The app long description is a metadata field for Google Play apps. It is one of the three indexed fields on Google Play, and can be up to 4000 characters. The best practice is to repeat keywords enough to achieve a good keyword density, to indicate to Google which keywords are important to your app.
App marketing
App marketing is the process of branding and promoting your app, through a variety of initiatives and campaigns (online/offline, organic/paid,...).
App market insights
App market insights are facts about your app's market that can generate profits when leveraged.
App metadata
The metadata of an app are all the data used to describe and qualify an app (developer name, app name, subtitle, screenshots, description…). They are displayed on the app preview page on the app stores, and are an important source of information about your app. Monitoring and improving the app's metadata is a key aspect of ASO.
App monetization
App monetization is the process of making money from an app without making users pay for the app.
App name/App title
The app name is the name of the app, the first thing that users see in the app store. It is the brand name of the app, and therefore a subject of much discussion and reflexion for companies. It can appear alone in the app title or it can be followed by several more keywords.
App power
The app power is an indicator developed by AppTweak that indicates the global power of an app on the app stores, tied to an app’s category rankings and overall rankings. It allows easy comparison with competitors, even if they are not ranked in the same category.
App preview video
The app preview video is a video showing a teaser of an app that can be added to the app’s metadata. It has been shown to increase user conversion, especially in the Games category, where seeing how the game works is really key in order to decide whether or not to download it.
App product page
The app product page is the full page that contains all an app’s metadata. It's the page that a user sees when he taps on an app in an app store search results. The goal of ASO is to optimize the fields on that page to make the app as visible as possible.
App promo text (App Store)
The app promotional field is one of the app's metadata field. It is not indexed, meaning that keywords used do not help your app's visibility. However, it can be edited at any time without requiring Apple’s approval which makes it very useful to promote new features or communicate on seasonal or temporary discounts.
App screenshots
The app screenshots are creative visuals meant to show an app’s features. They are displayed with an app name in the search results and on the app product page. They can also be localized, if your app is available in different languages.
App short description (Google Play Store)
The app short description is a metadata field for Google Play apps. It is one of the three indexed fields on Google Play (the others are the app title and the app long description), and can be up to 80 characters. Repeating keywords throughout those 3 fields is recommended to increase chances of ranking on those keywords.
App size
The app size is usually expressed in MBs. The general best practice is to have an app as small as possible, so that it doesn't take up too much space on the users' phone and is downloadable through cellular data. Otherwise, users might decide not to download the app.
App Store connect
The App Store Connect account is the Apple account that developers/publishers of apps will use to publish and manage their app on the App Store. It's where they can update their metadata and used to be called iTunes Connect.
App subtitle (App Store)
The app subtitle is one of the fields of the app's metadata on iOS. It exists only on Apple (the corresponding field on Google is the short description), and is one of the three indexed fields of the metadata. It can be up to 30 characters long and is displayed to users on the app preview page.
App updates
The app updates are all the changes you make to your app after it has been published to the stores. On iOS, most of the updates require publishing a new version of your app.
App Store Optimization is the process of optimizing your app's metadata to improve your app's organic visibility. There are several aspects of the app you can improve: the keywords you use, the creatives, the technical quality of the app, the reviews & ratings it receives...
ASO report
The ASO report of an app on AppTweak refers to the overview of an app's metadata as currently published on the app stores, which tells you which metadata field(s) could be improved in terms of format, based on ASO best practices. The report does not judge content, however.
ASO score
The ASO score of an app on AppTweak is the overall optimization score of your app for its currently published version on the store, based on the analysis of all metadata included in the ASO report.
Category ranking
The category ranking is a classification of all apps in category. The higher the app ranks, the more visible and powerful it is on the app store. Some apps don't rank at all, meaning they have very weak visibility. A high visibility is usually tied to a high amount of downloads.
The event of a customer stopping to use your product/service.
Competition score
The competition score on AppTweak is a score between 1 and 100 that indicates how competitive a keyword is, based on the number of apps already ranking on that keyword. Generally, the more competitive a keyword, the harder it is for an app to be visible on that keyword (since it has to compete with many other apps).
Conversion rate
The number of people who complete a goal (signing up, subscribing to a newsletter…) out of the total number of people who showed an interest in that action.
CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. It is a type of file that stores numbers and text, using a comma to separate values.
The developer of an app is the person who develops the app.
Download estimates
The download estimates on AppTweak are an estimation of how many daily downloads an app gets in a specific country. The total number of downloads for a country over a given period of time is also available, as well as a spread of worldwide downloads per country.
Google Play Developer Console
The app analytics dashboard provided by Google to developers who publish an app to the Google Play Store.
Google Play Store Install Keywords
The Google Play Install Keywords are keywords that bring the app the most installs. The data is provided by Google and is helpful to understand your app's performance.
Google Play Search Ads
Google Play Search Ads are the paying ad service provided by Google that lets companies bid on a keyword to place their ads in the first position in the results of a keyword search.
iOS is Apple’s operating system for mobile devices.
The Key Efficiency Index on AppTweak is a score between 1 and 100 that indicates the efficiency of a keyword for an app. The score is based on volume and competition of a keyword (higher volume and lower competition make a keyword more efficient).
Keyword density
The keyword density is the number of times a keyword appears in a text/on a page compared to the total number of keywords in that text/on that page. It's important to take into account when optimizing your app's keywords on Google Play
Keyword live search
The keyword live search on AppTweak shows the 10 first results that currently appear when a user searches a specific keyword or combination of keywords.
Keyword monitoring
A keyword monitoring process is meant to keep track of the ranking progression of specific keywords. It should also track an app's overall visibility on a set of keywords, as well as other indicators of app performance.
Keyword optimization
A keyword optimization process is meant to improve the choice of keywords used in an app’s metadata. It generally includes an extensive keyword research and analysis. The final choice of which keywords to actually use in the app's metadata will depend on a number of factors like volume, chance, relevance etc.
Keyword picking tool
The keyword picking tool on AppTweak is meant to provide users with a large pool of keywords. The goal is for the users to get many ideas of types of keywords potentially relevant to his/her app to add to their analysis, in order to make the best possible choice.
Keyword research
The keyword research process is meant to improve the quality of your keyword research, in order to make sure that your analysis is as complete as possible and that you target the best possible keywords for you app.
Keyword shuffler
The keyword shuffler tool on AppTweak is a tool that lets you enter up to 5 single keywords, provides you with all single, double and triple combinations of those keywords. It also lets you identify the high volume combination of those keywords at a glance.
Keyword rankings
The keyword ranking of a keyword is the app's place in the list of search results that are returned for a keyword query made by a user on the app stores.
Keyword volume
The keyword volume of a keyword is a measure of how often the keyword is used to look for an app on the app stores. It is specific and differs from country to country, as people from different culture and language do not necessarily use the same keywords/reasoning to search for the same app.
The localization process is the process of adapting an app for a specific country, for example by translating the metadata in that country's language. The screenshots and promotional video can also be adapted. Localizing your app is highly recommended, at least in your app's most important countries.
Publisher name
The publisher name is the name of the person or company that publishes an app on an app store.
Ranking history
The ranking history of an app is the evolution of an app’s ranking on specific keywords over time.
The rating of an app is a score between 1 and 5 (represented by stars) that users can give an app to indicate what they think of the app. It's very helpful for other users who are considering downloading the app and is therefore an influential factor for how well your app is ranked overall on the app store.
Revenue estimates
The revenue estimates on AppTweak are an estimation of how much revenue an app gets in a specific country. The total amount of revenue for a country over a given period of time is also available, as well as a spread of worldwide revenue per country.
The reviews of an app are comments left by users to evaluate the app. They are always tied to a rating, and provide additional information or feedback about the app. It is very important to monitor what users say about your app in those reviews, and to reply to them.
Rich formatting
Rich formatting is a type of text formatting that allows to emphasize some elements with font styles like bold, italic and underline. Rich formatting can be used in an app description to highlight some parts of the text.
Ad Intelligence
The Ad Intelligence tool is a tool that provides AppTweak users with data and insights to optimize their Apple Search Ads campaigns.
The timeline feature on AppTweak displays all the changes that have been made to any app's metadata over time. It can be used to compare the changes between several apps, or to have a clear history of all changes made to only one app.
Today page
The “Today” page is a new feature of the App Store on iOS 12. It's the first page that users see when opening the App Store, and displays tips from Apple, the “app of the day” as well as the “game of the day”. It is updated every day.
Top charts
The top charts are the lists of the best apps in every country, per category, on the app stores.
Top free apps
The top free apps is a list of the best free apps in every country, per category, on the app stores.
Top grossing apps
The top grossing apps is a list of the highest grossing apps in every country, per category, on the app stores.
Top paid apps
The top paid apps is a list of the best paid apps in every country, per category, on the app stores.
User acquisition
The user acquisition process is a process that can include a variety of marketing initiatives, with the goal of increasing the number of users of your app.
Version history
The version history on AppTweak shows you a list of all versions of an app published on the Apple store.
Visibility score
The visibility score is a score that shows the evolution of an app’s visibility on an app store, for a specific set of keywords.