AppTweak 4.0: New Multilingual Keyword Tool with Search Volume

Laurie Galazzoby
Chief Revenue Officer at AppTweak

9 min read

After thousands cups of coffee, hundreds hours of work and a relentless motivation, we’re proud to present you AppTweak 4.0 and its brand new App Store Optimization features. Find the strongest and the most converting keywords for your app in 10 different languages. Get valuable insights on their general performance with our revised Search Volume formula. Monitor your app discoverability in time and get ahead of your competitors! Find out all the details below.

Improve Your App Store Discoverability Globally Effectively

Our focus on localization has recently driven the attention of VentureBeat, which dedicated an article to one of our users’ successful case study: this client saw a 33% increase in app installs after localizing its app.

If localization can bring a massive increase in app organic downloads, localizing an app the right way remains a great challenge.

At AppTweak, our main objective is to help app developers and marketers succeeding in their app business globally. To do so, we have spent a lot of time and resources developing effective tools and features that would bring successful results.

Last month, we released a new version allowing to export their ASO reports to PDF or XLS. These new features were warmly welcomed by our users.

Our latest efforts have been dedicated to the entire revision of our existing keyword tool into a much more powerful and complete solution.

So…Here’s the news!

Today, we are launching a unique multilingual keyword tool offering the most accurate Search Volume estimation, Competition and KEI (Keywords Efficiency Index) you can find today on the market, and providing with the best performance monitoring tools.

Our keyword tool now supports 10 languages: English, French, Dutch, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Danish and Swedish. More languages are in the pipeline (feel free to reach out if you need one in priority).

Controversy: Search Volume Formula Revealed!

[UPDATE OCTOBER 2016: Now thatApple provides Search Popularity for English (US) keywords, we are able to provide the exact Volume estimation for these keywords. As soon as Apple opens up to new languages, we will integrate the Search Popularity accordingly. AppTweak was the first ASO tool to integrate Apple’s Search Popularity indicator.]

As many of you know, keyword Search Volume has always been controversial. Indeed, since neither Apple nor Google provide us with the number of searches made on a specific keyword (not even an estimation) (except for iOS English-US keywords), ASO tools like AppTweak are forced to build their own algorithm to come up with the best estimation possible.

Most ASO tools only rely on web search data retrieved through an API, which is totally irrelevant and ineffective. Indeed, it goes without saying that users’ behavior on the web is drastically different than in the stores.

At AppTweak, we’ve decided to take the time required to elaborate the best Search Volume formula possible before delivering our new keyword tool.

Today we’re ready. Our algorithm includes a lot of different parameters, all weighted differently according to their level of importance and relevance.

To be 100% transparent with you, here are the main parameters used to calculate our Search Volume estimation (no “secret sauce” here):

  • Keywords density in app titles, descriptions, and reviews from all apps.
  • The level of popularity and usage of the keyword in the language.
  • The exact mobile web search volume.
  • Hints provided by Apple and Google.
  • The number of keywords combined in key phrases.
  • Keyword’s length.

As a reminder, the Search Volume estimation we provide – as well as the Competition estimation – are both indicators set between 0 and 100. Higher the number means higher the Volume or Competition for a specific keyword.

To help you find the best ratio between a decent Volume of searches and low Competition, we have built the KEI (Keywords Efficiency Index), which is also an indicator between 0 and 100. Higher the KEI means stronger the keyword and therefore, most likely you will have chances to rank for it (less ranking difficulty).

It is, therefore, crucial to try finding relevant keywords with a high KEI in order to have chances ranking for them.

Suggestions, Top Keywords, Trendings Keywords, and more

Our keyword tool is divided into multiple sections which we’ll review right away.

1) Keywords Pre-Selection

There are multiple ways in which you can select keywords (Keywords Picking) you want to add to your Keywords Analysis:

a. Your Keywords


You can either type in any keyword you want to analyze or you can load your existing keywords directly from your iTunes Connect (if you have an iOS app).

While entering your keywords manually, click on “show hints” if you want to view Apple or Google’s suggestions.

b. Top Keywords


You can select keywords from the Top Keywords section, which provides you with all the keywords your app is ranking between the 1st and the 100th position (as well as your competitors, if you have added some).

Shared Keywords will provide you with a list of keywords you and your competitor(s) both rank for.

Simply click on the keywords you want to analyze and they will be added directly to the Keywords Analysis table.

Top Keywords are available in 10 languages: English, French, Dutch, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Danish and Swedish. More languages coming up soon.

c. Suggested Keywords


Another great source of inspiration are the Suggested Keywords, providing a bunch of potentially interesting keywords to target and that you would have not thought of. These suggestions come from the most recurrent keywords from your app reviews, app title, description and top keywords.

Just like Top Keywords, Suggested Keywords are available in the 8 languages.

d. Trending Keywords


Trending Keywords is the list of the current trending searches on Apple.

Here also, simply click on the keyword you want to analyze and it will be added to the Keywords Analysis table.

e. Category Keywords


Category Keywords are all the best keywords from Top Apps from any App Store and Google Play store category.

In other words, if you want to find out which are the best keywords for top Games for example, you’re only one click away!

Once you have made your first keywords pre-selection and when your Keywords Analysis table is filled (we recommend having about 100 keywords at this stage, per app, per store & country), it’s time to observe more closely their performance.

2) Keywords Analysis


This table provides you with a lot of insightful data that will be very useful for you. It is updated daily.

Let’s review the Keywords Analysis table column by column:

  • Keywords: these are all the keywords you’ve followed and added to the table from the sources we mentioned above.
  • KEI: is the Keywords Efficiency Index, giving you the level of chances you have to rank for a keyword. Higher the KEI means better the keyword.
  • Rank: is your app’s ranking for a specific keyword.
  • Progression: is your app’s ranking progression for a specific keyword since yesterday.
  • Results: the total number of app results for a specific keyword.
  • Volume: the Search Volume estimation per keyword (higher the Volume means higher the popularity of the keyword).
  • Competition: the level of Competition per keyword (higher the Competition means higher the competition on the keyword).

You can actually export this table to Excel by clicking on the grey “Export to Excel” button (bottom right).

Tip: you can “star” any keyword you want from this list and use this filter at your convenience. You will see later how this can be useful to you.

3) Competition Analysis


The Competition Analysis table offers you a global view of your app’s rankings against your competitors rankings for the same keywords.

This enables you to quickly understand your own app store visibility as well as your competitors’.

4) Keywords Position


This graph displays all the keywords present in your Keywords Analysis table. It helps you better visualize their performance in terms of Volume (Y axis) and their Competition (X axis).

Try to find keywords that will be located in the top left quadrant of this graph (= high KEI keywords).

5) Optimize Title & Keywords


The “Optimize Title & Keywords” is entirely dedicated to the simulation of the final keywords selection after you made your keywords research.

At this stage, we recommend having selected about 30 keywords (from the initial 100, remember?) by “starring” them.

You can reorganize this table by clicking on “Display only starred keywords” (optional).

From there, select the keywords you would consider adding to your App Name or iTunes Connect Keyword field (short and long description for Google Play). Try to select the most relevant keywords, with high KEIs.

You’ll actually get the “Global KEI” estimation, which is the addition of all selected keywords’ KEI together. Try to come up with the highest global KEI possible. Plus, thanks to the character counter, you will know when you reach the character limit.

No need to switch to another program (Excel, Google Sheets, character counter, etc.) anymore.

6) Keywords Monitoring


This last section focuses on keywords’ performance monitoring and will be very helpful to you!

The first graph shows the progression of your app’s visibility in the store in comparison with your competitors. No numbers are displayed here: this graph helps you to understand your ASO performance (and your competitors’) on the keywords you followed, in time, through trending curves.

Quite handy to visualize and understand your app discoverability versus your competitors!


Then, you get the Top 10 and Worst 10 keywords ranking progression for your app and your competitors since yesterday, last week or the last 30 days.


Finally, the Keywords Ranking History table provides with your app’s and your competitors’ rankings progression for the selected keywords. You can choose the period of time you want in order to compare your current rankings: a day, a week or a month before.

We hope that this new keyword tool will help you in your ASO work. Please know that these features are the result of a careful listening to our customer’s feedback.

We really wanted to create a handy keyword tool on which ASO consultants and app developers could work directly, in multiple languages.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our features, please reach out and let us know!

Try our new keyword tool!

Start a 7-day free trial

Laurie Galazzo
by , Chief Revenue Officer at AppTweak
Laurie is Chief Revenue Officer at AppTweak and joined the company in its early stages (2014). She's passionate about new technologies, growth and mobile marketing. Oh, and also about sushi.