Brainstorm List: Build Your Keyword List in Just a Click

Marie-Laure Cruytby
CPO at AppTweak

4 min read

Tired of constantly looking for new keywords for your app? Out of inspiration on which keywords you should be targeting in your ASO? Our Keyword Brainstorm List generator is here to help! With just a click, you can access 100 keywords related to your app and get a strong start on your ASO.

Building a brainstorm list

The first step of your keyword optimization process should always start by building a list of 100 to 200 keywords related to your app. This is what we call a brainstorm list. To build a good brainstorm list, you need to think wide: what keywords are potentially related to your app? Check the competition, put yourself in your users’ shoes, and think out of the box in order to find a broad range of relevant keywords.

Of course, building a 100-keyword brainstorm list can be a tedious task. That’s why, at AppTweak, we built an algorithm that fetches up to 100 keywords related to your app in just a click!

Read this simple guide to your ASO first steps

How does the brainstorm list work?

Every day since 2014, AppTweak has collected data pertaining to millions of search terms on the App Store and Google Play in about 100 countries. This data has allowed us to refine our understanding of the deeper semantics between keywords in an app store context.

Let’s take the word “lime,” for example. In the human world, this keyword is semantically close to the word “lemon.” However, in an app store world, these two keywords are very different: the former would primarily refer to the popular scooter rental app, Lime, explaining why the store algorithms would consider “lime” and “scooter” to be conceptually close and both very different from “lemon.”

We have built one master algorithm, Atlas, that captures in one place the store-specific semantics of all keywords in any language, and all apps in any country or language, to position each element on one centralized map.

Learn more about Atlas, the first App Store Semantic Engine

Atlas allows us to identify thousands of keywords related to your app or apps similar to yours. The Brainstorm List then analyzes each of these words to keep only the most relevant and those with significant volume. Once the analysis is ready, a new keyword list is created for the analyzed app, with up to 100 related keywords.

Below are two examples of Brainstorm Lists for the apps and Runtastic. We only show a glimpse of the full list.

AppTweak ASO Tool: Brainstorm list for

Examples of keywords from the Brainstorm List for

AppTweak ASO Tool: Brainstorm list for Runtastic

Examples of keywords from the Brainstorm List for Runtastic

Automatically generate a brainstorm list in a couple of clicks

So how do you generate a brainstorm list in AppTweak? To access this feature, you will need a Guru plan or above.

In the Keywords tab, you’ll find a new button just above your keyword list:

AppTweak ASO Tool: Brainstorm list generator
The Brainstorm List generator in AppTweak.

As soon as you click and confirm, AppTweak starts analyzing thousands of keywords to identify those that are most relevant to your app and have a significant volume. This should only take a couple of seconds, but you can keep using the keyword tool meanwhile. You’ll find the Brainstorm List amongst your keyword lists.

As soon as the list is ready, a little notification will appear on your keyword list, and your Brainstorm list will be accessible.

Check out these 10 tips to find the perfect keywords for your app

Identify keywords with the highest potential for your app

Once you have your brainstorm list, you then need to identify which keywords have the best potential for your app. Those are the words you need to focus on and add to your app’s metadata. Not all keywords in the brainstorm list are worth targetting, focus on the most relevant, and with the best volume.

We’ve listed these advanced ASO tips to take your keyword analysis and research a notch higher 


Powered by Atlas, the first App Store Semantic Engine, our Brainstorm List generator will help you create a list of up to 100 relevant keywords related to your app in just a click. This will save you precious time in your ASO routine, it’s also a great source for further keyword inspiration. Try it out now!

Start a 7-day free trial

Marie-Laure Cruyt
by , CPO at AppTweak
Marie-Laure is CPO at AppTweak, she has always worked in digital companies with a product focused around an app or a SaaS. She’s a real (dark only) chocolate lover.