10 Tips to Optimize Your App Paywall

Bomee Lafitteby
Content Marketing Manager Purchasely

12 min read

In the competitive mobile app world, success and profitability require a strategic approach, and optimizing your paywalls is crucial for sustainable revenue generation and growth. In this article, we share 10 invaluable gems to help you maximize your app’s revenue. From understanding your audience to highlighting app value, we cover essential aspects for a successful paywall implementation.

This is a guest post written by Purchasely.

1. Turn paywall screens into a sensor

In the realm of effective app monetization optimization, understanding your audience is a top priority. There are numerous ways to approach it. Tactics like user surveys and feedback, data tracking, and competitor analysis never get old.

But when it comes to paywall optimization, where should you start?  A paradigm shift.

Instead of viewing your paywall screens as static sales pitches, consider them as dynamic sensors that offer valuable insights about your users. The key is in using paywall elements such as touchpoints, price and packaging, design, and messaging as a means of capturing your audience’s needs and preferences. Meticulously tracking the conversion rates across those various paywall variations empowers you to discern the resonating elements that strike a chord with your target audience.

If you have the capability to iterate your paywall dynamically based on those insights on the fly, you can effectively “program” your paywall engagement to intelligently adapt and resonate with each individual user, ensuring maximum effectiveness and driving successful conversions.

2. Emphasize the value of your app and the subscription

Many apps prioritize showcasing flashy features, often leaving users wondering where the true value lies. To optimize your app’s paywall and drive conversions, it’s crucial to go beyond mere feature display and highlight the app’s true value.

To help you navigate through numerous options and effectively emphasize your app’s value, we’ve selected tactics applicable to various app categories:

  • Empathy-driven messaging: Show genuine empathy towards users’ pain points and contexts in your paywall messages. Position your app as the solution that understands and addresses their needs.
  • Progress/habit tracking and milestones: Leverage activity history to track users’ progress, achievements, or milestones. Display this information on paywalls to motivate users by showcasing their accomplishments and the value gained from the app.
  • Consistent and regular engagement: Interact with users through customized notifications, reminders, and various touchpoints along their user journey to maintain regular engagement and stay on their radar.
  • Social proof: Enhance the perceived value of your app by incorporating social proof elements. Include user testimonials and ratings or reviews that vividly illustrate how your app has transformed lives.
  • Foster the sense of belonging: Increase the sense of shared identity and purpose. Encourage social sharing, share evolving user counts, and offer cohort/community-specific promotions.

3. Use the power of aesthetics

First impressions are crucial, particularly in the context of paywalls. After all, 68% will close your paywall in less than 10 seconds (Jeff Grang, CPO and co-founder of Purchasely). Similar to how dressing well can leave a positive impression, the visual aesthetics of your app’s paywall have a profound effect on how users perceive and engage with your app. Here’s why you should pay attention while designing your paywalls:

Top 10 paywall design tips by Purchasely.
  • The halo effect

Aesthetic appreciation known as the “halo effect” leads to a positive attitude, fostering loyalty to the brand. Consider Apple enthusiasts, who appreciate the brand’s aesthetic appeal.

  • The aesthetic-usability phenomenon

Beautiful products are often perceived as easier to use and more valuable. Aesthetically pleasing designs have an advantage in winning over users when functionality is equal.

  • Consistency and long-term bonding

Consistency throughout the paywall experience is crucial for reinforcing positive associations.

Consider these elements of visual aesthetics for your paywall design:

  • Colors that align with your app’s identity and evoke desired emotions
  • Visually appealing typography that reflects your app’s tone
  • High-quality imagery relevant to your app’s content
  • Clean and well-organized layout with balanced spacing
  • Subtle and smooth animations for visual engagement
  • Cohesive and intuitive iconography for improved usability
  • Visual hierarchy techniques to guide users’ attention

Understand the importance of your app’s creative optimization with AppTweak

4. Be transparent about your users’ options and the app’s value

Transparency builds trust, and trust leads to higher user engagement and conversions. Provide clear information upfront, including pricing, subscription details, and limitations on your paywalls.

Show transparency by:

  • Clearly stating the benefits users will gain
  • Communicating the user journey from free trial to subscription
  • Openly sharing pricing and cancellation options

Blinkist, a leading app for book summaries, is widely recognized for their commitment to transparency. To access premium content, Blinkist requires an in-app subscription, which begins with a 7-day free trial.

Blinkist paywall openly informs users about their free trial journey
Blinkist’s paywall openly informs users about their free trial journey.

In 2020, the Blinkist team implemented a new paywall design, utilizing a timeline format that clearly outlined the user’s journey throughout the trial period. This simple, yet effective, approach significantly improved user satisfaction and yielded impressive results:

  • Conversion to trial increased by 23%
  • Conversion to paid subscription increased by 4%

Find out how Blinklist carried out transformations in their app that positively impacted their business KPIs

5. Use timing strategically

To optimize paywall deployment, consider timing rather than just location. Timing accounts for user engagement, content consumption, and behavioral triggers. Strategically placing the paywall when users are actively using the app, have consumed valuable content, or exhibit readiness to take action will help you increase conversion rates.

You can leverage in-app events to trigger timely paywall screens
You can leverage in-app events to trigger timely paywall screens.

Here are some approaches to help determine the optimal paywall engagement timing:

  • Analyze user in-app events and patterns to identify engaged moments
  • Gather user feedback to align timing strategies
  • Conduct A/B tests to experiment with different timings and refine based on results
  • Continuously monitor user behavior and metrics for iterative improvements

Find out what A/B testing is for ASO

6. Introduce an onboarding experience linked to the paywall

App marketers often face a dilemma of striking the right balance between persuasive messaging to drive user purchases and ensuring a seamless user experience without causing annoyance or frustration. This psychological challenge often leads to a tendency to minimize intrusive screens that obstruct users from accessing the app’s content or features. But introducing an onboarding experience linked to your paywalls can bring several benefits for apps.

  • Enhancing user engagement: Onboarding provides an opportunity to engage users right from the start – familiarizing them with the app’s features and benefits. By linking it to the paywall experience, users gain a clear understanding of the value they will receive by making a purchase or subscribing.
  • Improved user retention: A well-designed onboarding process can help users quickly grasp the app’s functionality and benefits, increasing the likelihood of them continuing to use the app. When connected to the paywall, it reinforces the value proposition and encourages users to stay.
  • Increased conversion rates: By guiding users through a seamless onboarding journey and showcasing the app’s value, the paywall experience becomes more compelling. Users are more likely to convert to paying customers when they have a clear understanding of the benefits they’ll gain.
Display the initial paywall right after the onboarding flow
Display the initial paywall right after the onboarding flow.

Keep in mind that your users’ initial visits, where onboarding takes place, are when their intent to explore your app is at its peak. So it’s crucial to maintain a cohesive flow that naturally guides users from the onboarding process to encountering the first paywall.

During this journey, make sure users have the opportunity to learn about your app’s unique features, value proposition, and benefits. By integrating the paywall into the overall narrative, users will understand how it contributes to their app experience and the value they receive. This ensures that the paywall is not perceived as a separate transactional element but as an integral part of their exploration and discovery process.

7. Test and iterate for success

Embracing a continuous “learning mindset” is crucial because user preferences and behaviors are constantly evolving. What works today may not work tomorrow. It helps you identify areas for improvement, discover new opportunities, and refine your strategies over time.

It’s not an easy task. One of the major challenges in paywall testing lies in the time required for development and application release. But if you have the opportunity to equip yourself with the right tools, you can overcome these challenges and optimize your paywall practices by efficiently testing various elements in an agile manner.

BlueThrone co-founders highlight the significance of frequent paywall iteration
BlueThrone’s co-founders highlight the significance of frequent paywall iteration.

Consider design variations, messaging, pricing strategies, placement options, incentives, CTA button variations, paywall frequency, user segmentation, and social proof. By efficiently testing these elements, you can refine your strategies and discover new opportunities for improvement.

8. Match the free-trial length with your app’s discovery time

Offering a free trial is an effective strategy to showcase the value of your app and drive user engagement without forcing the users to make a financial commitment. But, determining the ideal trial length is a critical factor in maximizing conversions and optimizing revenue generation. It’s essential to strike the right balance by aligning the trial period with the time needed for users to fully explore and discover your app’s features.

Every app has its unique discovery time. Some apps require more time for users to grasp the full potential and benefits they offer, while others can be quickly understood and evaluated.

An excerpt from Nicolas Tissier, Purchasely CEO presentation at App Growth Summit NYC 2023
An excerpt from Nicolas Tissier, Purchasely’s CEO’s presentation at App Growth Summit NYC 2023.

As you evaluate your app’s trial period, consider factors such as the complexity of your app, the time required for users to understand its value, and the user journey within the app. Conduct user research and gather feedback to gain insights into user behavior and preferences. This data-driven approach will help you make informed decisions about the optimal trial length for your app.

As you evaluate your app’s trial period, consider factors such as the complexity of your app, the time required for users to understand its value, and the user journey within the app. Conduct user research and gather feedback to gain insights into user behavior and preferences. This data-driven approach will help you make informed decisions about the optimal trial length for your app.

9. Personalize the experience

By personalizing the paywall experience, you can create a sense of exclusivity and help users identify the value of the subscription that matches their needs.

With these effective personalization strategies, you can captivate your users:

Step 1: Segment users

Categorize users based on:

  • Demographics: age, gender, location, language, and occupation
  • Behavior: app usage, actions, and engagement
  • Transaction history: past purchases and subscriptions
  • Engagement level: active, dormant, or power users
  • Psychographics: attitudes, interests, values, and lifestyle preferences
  • Customer lifecycle stage: new, trial, or existing
Customize your paywall experience according to the specific interests and needs of each segment
Customize your paywall experience according to the specific interests and needs of each segment.

Step 2: Personalize paywall elements

  • Messaging: Use language, tone, and content that resonate with each segment’s interests and motivations. Highlight the unique benefits they will gain by subscribing or upgrading to a premium plan.
  • Offers: Consider offering segment-focused discounts, exclusive content, or rewards that align with their preferences.
  • Timing & placement: Personalization goes beyond just the content of your paywall. Consider the timing and placement of your paywalls as well. Deliver paywalls at strategic moments in the user journey when they are most likely to be receptive to the offer.

10. Use smart growth tools for subscription apps

Optimizing paywalls can feel like reinventing the wheel. But by leveraging smart growth/monetization tools, you can supercharge, expedite your paywall optimization efforts and maximize your app’s revenue with the minimum amount of hassle. Here’s how leveraging smart tools can help you optimize your paywalls effectively:

Boosting efficiency

When it comes to developing and implementing paywall optimization strategies, starting from scratch can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. By leveraging tools like Purchasely – an all-in-one growth platform for subscription apps – developers can save time and effort throughout the development and optimization process, allowing them to allocate resources to other critical areas of growth and success.

Data-driven insights

By making it easier to access insights about your app users and paywall performance, you gain a better understanding of which data to track, monitor, and improve, enabling you to make informed decisions and refine your iterative paywall optimization strategies.

Seamless integration and scalability

Some tools are designed to seamlessly integrate with various mobile app martech (marketing technology) platforms and monetization frameworks. This ensures smooth implementation and scalability as apps continue to grow. Whether you’re a startup or a large enterprise, the ability to integrate your monetization engine with diverse tools effortlessly can help you scale with minimum effort.


To optimize app paywalls for maximum revenue generation, we recommend keeping these 10 tips in mind:

  • Understanding the audience by turning paywall screens into a sensor
  • Emphasizing app value within the paywall screens
  • Optimizing the aesthetics
  • Transparency about your users’ options and your value
  • Strategic timing
  • Onboarding experience linked to the paywall
  • Continuous testing and iteration
  • Aligning trial length with your app’s discovery time
  • Personalizing the paywall experience
  • Leveraging smart growth tools for subscription apps

These tips hold immense potential to serving as a guiding compass to navigate the vast sea of optimization possibilities. Also remember to remain open to experimenting with various tactics, as well as to align the app itself with what resonates with your target audience. Ultimately, the true essence of the experience lies within the product. By incorporating these strategies and maintaining the learning mindset, you are bound to unlock remarkable outcomes and propel your app’s revenue to new heights.

Bomee Lafitte
by , Content Marketing Manager Purchasely
Bomee Lafitte is a storyteller who connects brands with their customers. Presently, she is managing the global content marketing initiatives at Purchasely, an esteemed growth platform for subscription apps.